
Harry, Tim and Jerry were always boasting(自夸). Jerry was the worst of the three. Everything about his family was always________or the most expensive. Whatever____ said, he could always go one better.One day, when they were________school, Harry said, “My father has a bath twice a week.” “That’s nothing,” Tim said. “Having a bath twice a week is________. My dad has a bath________, sometimes, twice a day.”Tim looked at Jerry. Now it was his________. But what could he say? “This time,” Tim thought, “I am going to________.”Jerry didn’t know________. He couldn’t say tha秦岭—淮河一线大致与我国1月气温0度等温线和800毫米等降水量线相吻合,成为划分季风区和非季风区、北方和南方的重要分界线。(_______)
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