
International(国际的) LibraryYou can find many books, CDs, newspapers and magazines from other countries here.Price: Free for studentsOpening time: Monday- Friday 3:00 p. m- 6:00 p. mAddress: New England House, Museum Street.Painting Competition(比赛)Children from 8 to 16 years old can take part in the competition. The winner will get a bike. Time: Before November 14thAddress: Please send your picture to Young Artist Magazine at 12 High Street.Holiday Sports ClubYou can play different kinds of sports every day in the club, such as football, basketball, tennis, Ping-Pong, baseball. Childre已知:如图,E,F分别是ABCD的边AD,BC的中点.求证:AF=CE.
英语 试题推荐