
Mark and Sophie are good friends. They both like animals.It is Sunday today. It's warm and ______, so they decide to take a walk to the city zoo.When they reach, they first go to the ______ cage. They want to see a new lion. She is there ______ only three weeks. She is very beautiful. She has big brown eyes. When the lion ________Mark and Sophie, she opens her big mouth and shows her ______ to them.Sophie asks Mark to go to the monkeys' area. She buys bananas and feeds them slowly. They are very funny. They______ up and down a lot.Then they go to the snakes'(蛇的)area. Sophie feels afrai以下说法中正确的是(  )A.某种昆虫靠翅的振动发声.这种昆虫的翅在2 s内做了700 次振动,则频率是350 Hz,人类能听到B.多数情况下,声音在气体中的传播速度比在液体中快,在固体中的传播速度比在液体中快,声音在空气中的传播速度受温度影响C.在筷子上捆一些棉花(或碎布),做一个活塞.用水蘸湿棉花后插入两端开口的塑料管或竹管中.用嘴吹管的上端,可以发出悦耳的哨音.上下推拉“活塞”,音调就会改变D.在噪声较大的环境中工作时,人们常佩戴耳罩,属于在声源处减弱噪声
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