
Hello, I’m Lucy. I’m ten. I'm from the UK (英国). I live in (居住) Nanjing with my family now. I can play tennis very well. I like cats very much. Anna is my twin sister. We always play with the cat Tom in the garden (花园). Peter is my friend. He's nine. He is from the UK. He can play tennis too.【1】Lucy lives in China (中国) now. (_____)【2】Tom is a dog. (_____)【3】Peter is from the UK. (_____)【4】Anna is nine. (_____)【5】Peter and Lucy can play tennis. (_____)古巴前领导人卡斯特罗称:“全球化是客观现实,它显示了在这个大家居住的星球上我们都是同一条船上的乘客。一小撮乘客居住在豪华的客舱,85%的乘客拥挤在不卫生的船舱里。很显然,这艘船上不公正的事太多了,它很难浮在水面上。它的航程是如此不合理和荒唐,以致它不可能抵达安全的港口。”这段材料无法揭示出 A.全球化时代国家之间休戚相关         B.全球化造成利益分配不均 C.缺乏公正性的全球化难以为继         D.全球化的潮流应该被抵制
英语 试题推荐