
对课本《机械能》这章中的四幅图进行了如下分析,正确的是( )①频闪拍摄的摆锤运动;②运动员跨栏的运动分解;③高处滚下的小球;④卫星的轨道示意图A.图①摆锤从A点运动到O点的过程中动能转化为重力势能B.图②运动员起跳后上升到最高点时势能最大,动能为零C.图③高处滚下的小球在C点动能达到最大值D.图④卫星在近地点动能最大,远地点势能最大,机械能守恒 A Sad Love Story (1) Li Fang was heart-broken and felt like a fool because ________. [  ] A. Hu Jin refused to meet him at the coffee shop B. Hu Jin didn't apologize to him for her being late C. Hu Jin had promised to meet him but she didn't turn up D. Hu Jin was laughing at him with her friends (2) How did Li Fang know the manager wanted to shut the coffee shop? [  ] A. The manager told Li Fang to leave. B. The manager wiped the tables and then sat down and turned on the TV. C. The manager comforted Li Fand and told him not to be sad. D. Li Fang wanted to stay in the coffee shop but the manager didn't permit. (3) People want the weather to be fine on Qiqiaojie because ________. [  ] A. if it is raining, it means Zhinu is weeping and the couple won't meet B. the sunlight can give them warmth C. magpies can't make a bridge of their wings on rainy days D. people can see them in the sky on sunny days (4) The reason why Li Fang and Hu Jin did not meet on time is ________. [  ] A. Hu Jin was not willing to meet Li Fang B. Hu Jin did not make sure of the meeting place C. Hu Jin let Li Fang wait for her on purpose D. Li Fang forgot the meeting place (5) Li Fang was very worried because ________. [  ] A. he had cheated Hu Jin B. that Valentine's Day was not happy C. he had thrown away her Valentine gifts D. Hu Jin said goodbye to him
物理 试题推荐