
If you can only do one thing in the US, you should watch a Broadway show.Have you seen The Lion King? In the movie, Simba, Zabu, Pumbaa and Timon tell a story about love, 【1】[ˈhæpɪnɪs] and responsibility (责任) in Africa. Can you 【2】(想象) this wild movie performed on stage? I didn’t believe it 【3】 I saw the show.After w【4】 the three - hour show, we followed the actors backstage. I【5】(notice) the orchestra (管弦乐队) when we got there. They had to look at TV to see what was h【6】 on stage!“That’s Timon,” one of my friends shouted. “How can you play 如图所示,为一物体做直线运动的速度图象,根据图可知如下分析 (用v1、a1分别表示物体在0~t1时间内的速度与加速度;v2、a2表示物体在t1~t2时间内的速度与加速度)中,正确的是 A.v1与v2方向相同,a1与a2方向相反     B.v1与v2方向相反,a1与a2方向相同 C.v1与v2方向相反,a1与a2方向相反 D.v1与v2方向相同,a1与a2方向相同
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