
It used to be an American tradition: as soon as school let out for the summer, many teens ______ their fast food uniform or grocery store apron and went to ______ at a summer job. But the ______ that seemed routine for people of the ______ is becoming a rarity.When Pew ______ the average employment rates of ______ during summer months between 1948 and 2018, it found that the number of teens who do summer jobs has ______ in recent decades. In 1974 and 1984, over 55 percent of teens between the ages of 16 and 19 held jobs during July. ______ that number fell to just below 45 percent in 2004 — 下列加点的字注音全对的一项是( )A. 迸溅(bìn) 忏悔(chàn) 涉足(shè) 盘虬卧龙(qiú)B. 拯救(zhn) 钦佩(qn) 鲁莽(mng) 忧心忡忡(chng)C. 炽热(zhì) 遨游(áo) 俯瞰(kàn) 屏息凝神(bng)D. 严谨(jn) 稠密(chóu) 无虞(yú) 心有灵犀(x)
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