
阅读下面文言文,完成下面小题。马光祖,字华父,婺州金华人。宝庆二年进士,调新喻主簿,已有能名。移浙西提点刑狱,时暂兼权浙西提举常平。拜户部尚书兼知临安府、浙西安抚使。帝谕丞相谢方叔趣入觐乞严下海米禁历陈京师艰食和籴增价海道致寇三害。加宝章阁直学士、沿江制置使、江东安抚使、知建康府兼行宫留守。始至官,即以常例公用器皿钱二十万缗支犒军民,减租税,养鳏寡孤疾无告之人,招兵置砦,给钱助诸军昏嫁。兴学校,礼用所给动词的适当形式填空。1. Let my brother _______ (help) you.2. Look! Jeff with his friends _______ (play) basketball happily on the playground.3. Is it fine today? No, it's _______ (cloud).4. How many _______ (umbrella) can you see in the shop?5. She wants _______ (drink) a cup of coffee.6. There are a lot of _______ (cloudy) in the sky at the moment.7. My pen pal is an _______ (America) girl.
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