
中华民族具有爱好和平的民族品格,下列能够反映这一民族品格的是①昭君出塞 ②抗美援朝、保家卫国③援助印度洋地震海啸受灾国④派出维和部队参加联合国维和行动A. ①②③ B. ②③④ C. ①②④ D. ①③④ 答案:【答案】C【解析】试题中华民族具有爱好和平的民族精神,昭君出塞,抗美援朝、保家卫国,派出维和部队参加联合国维和行动。是爱好和平的活动。故本题选C项。③项不符合题意故排除。Sportsmanship (体育精神) means that players should try to win, but respect (尊敬), friendship and competition are also virtues (美德) of sportsmanship.What were some of the great sportsmanship moments at the Olympics? Let’s take a look!RespectRespect means that players should not only respect rules but also his or her rivals (对手). During the Olympic tennis event, the world No. 1 Roger Federer of Switzerland (瑞士) lost the gold medal. Andy Murray of Brain won it. Federer felt sad but he still congratulated his rival.CompetitionAmerican shooter Matt Emmons failed on his final shot at both Sydney and Beijing Games. But he has never been afraid of the competition. He competed at the London Olympics and got a bronze medal.FriendshipBadminton players Lin Dan of China and Lee Chongwei of Malaysia are big rivals on the court (球场). During the Olympic Games, Lin beat Lee to win the gold medal. Although it is a pity for Lee, he politely shook hands with his rival. Lin also gave Lee a hug and said, “Lee is such a good rival.” They always hang out together after games. Lin will invite Lee to his wedding ceremony (婚礼) this year.1.When did Matt Emmons get a bronze medal?A. At the Sydney Olympics.B. At the Beijing Olympics.C. At the London Olympics.D. At the Athens Olympics.2.What did Lee do when Lin beat him?A. He cried after the game.B. He shook hands with Lin.C. He gave a hug to Lin.D. He hurt Lin on his head.3.Which of the following is TRUE according to this passage?A. Sportsmanship means that players only try to win.B. Respect means that players should respect rules but nothing.C. Matt Emmons has been afraid of the competition after failing on his final shot.D. Lin wants Lee to take part in his wedding ceremony this year.
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