
2017年12月9日,某市金融IC卡+银联云闪付暨交通一卡通互联互通成功开通,人们出行将更加方便快捷。手机支付功能只需乘客在手机上下载银联钱包或指定银行APP,乘车时用手机打开付款码,对准公交车载终端扫一扫,即可实现扫码付款。“扫码付款”能A. 减少流通所需的货币量,缓解通货膨胀    B. 创新转账方式,避免支付风险C. 方便快捷,提高消费的便利性    D. 增强消费信心,提高购买力John is a famous writer now. Bob said he was not a good student 1 he was young. He was often late for2 and didn’t like doing his homework. Sometimes, he 3 in class while the teacher was teaching. He didn’t understand much, 4but he always thought he understood everything. One day the teacher 5 the students a question, “When Jack was ten years old, 6 brother Ben was twenty. Jack is fifteen now and 7 is his brother Ben? John said, “That’s easy. Ben is twice as old as Jack, so he is thirty now.”Another time, the 8 in a science class asked, “When it thunders(打雷), 9 do we always see the light before we hear the sound?”“But, Miss,” said John quickly, “don’t you 10 our eyes are in front of our ears?”1.A.whenB.tallC.richD.fat2.A.sleepB.lunchC.classD.play3.A.sleepB.sleepsC.sleptD.sleeping4.A.andB.orC.butD.still5.A.sentB.askedC.toldD.found6.A.yourB.myC.hisD.her7.A.how manyB.how oldC.whatD.who8.A.teacherB.farmerC.nurseD.policeman9.A.whatB.whenC.whereD.why10.A.readB.hopeC.studyD.know
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