
阅读短文,判断正(√)误(×)。Look at this picture. This is my mother. She is very nice. This is my father. He is tall and strong. This is my little brother. He is cute. And this is me. We all love each other. 【1】There are four people in the family. (____)【2】I have a little brother. (____)【3】My father is very tall. (____)【4】My mother is very nice. (____)【5】I’m not in the picture. (____)羁縻府州是唐朝对少数民族地方实行的一种间接统治形式,下列关于这种制度的说法不正确的是A.东突厥归附后,唐太宗在其部落原处设置的管理机构B.羁縻府州的首领是由唐中央政权重新任命的,官位可以世袭C.羁縻府州管理下的各部落,不编户籍,不上贡赋D.所属州县通常都由都督府节制,大者为府,小者为州
英语 试题推荐