
2019年5月15日亚洲文明对话大会在北京隆重召开。结合所学知识,判断下列关于亚洲的叙述正确的是( )A. 世界面积最大、跨经度最广、东西距离最长的大洲B. 温带大陆性气候分布广,东部和南部的季风气候区旱涝灾害频繁C. 地势起伏大既有世界最高峰珠穆朗玛峰,也有世界最低洼地里海D. 大河多发源于中部高原和山地,呈放射状向四周分流入海,缺少内流河阅读理解     WELLINGTON——An old taxi driver in New Zealand was fined ¥100 and had his driver license(执照)called off(取消)a month and all because he was "working too hard". Norman Elvy, 60, is said to have been working   seven days a week for the past 37 years. And he has been in trouble twice this year for failing to take a 24 -hour break at least every seven days, local(当地的)newspapers reported recently." I thought the government wanted us to work harder." he said to the judge(法庭).    (1) Norman Elvy was fined ¥100 because______. [    ] A. he worked every day     B. he worked for 37 years   C. he worked the whole day   D. he was too hard (2) Because he didn't take a 24 - hour rest at least every seven days,_____. [    ] A. he had two car accidents   B. he had his car broken down   C. he could hardly control his car   D. he was punished twice by the police (3) Norman Elvy was a kind of man who______. [    ]   A. loved his car very much   B. was devoted to his work   C. liked money very much   D. didn't know how to enjoy himself (4) Which of the following is true? [    ]   A. He was in trouble for working hard.    B. He shouldn't have worked hard.   C. He should relax himself now and then.    D. The government wanted him to work harder.
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