
Do you like sports? Do you play basketball, volleyball or baseball in your PE. Class or after school?Sports are really fun, and they are good for us. My sister and I like sports very much. Our school has many clubs. We are on our school tennis club. We play tennis on Monday afternoon. It’s very interesting. First, we do some warm-up exercises(热身运动). Then, the teacher teaches us to play tennis. We watch him carefully. Later, we play in pairs. Some boys can play well, but we can’t. they often come to help us. Our teacher is glad to see this.【1】Are there many clubs in their sc金溪民方仲永,世隶耕。仲永生五年,未尝识书具,忽啼求之。父异...||||文言文阅读(15分) 金溪民方仲永,世隶耕。仲永生五年,未尝识书具,忽啼求之。父异焉,借旁近与之,即书诗四句,并自为其名。其诗以养父母、收族为意,传一乡秀才观之。自是指物作诗立就,其文理皆有可观者。邑人奇之,稍稍宾客其父,或以钱币乞之。父利其然也,日扳仲永环谒于邑人,不使学。 余闻之也久,明道中,从先人还家,于舅家见之,十二三矣。令作诗,不能称前时之闻。又七年,还自扬州,复到舅家问焉。曰“泯然众人矣。” 王子曰:仲永之通悟,受之天也。其受之天也,贤于材人远矣。卒之为众人,则其受于人者不至也。彼其受之天也,如此其贤也,不受之人,且为众人;今夫不受之天,固众人,又不受之人,得为众人而已耶? 1.解释加线的字(4分) ⑴日扳仲永环谒于邑人                ⑵指物作诗立就          ⑶不能称前时之闻                    ⑷泯然众人              2.下列句中停顿有误的一项是(      )   (2分) A.借旁近/与之,即/书诗四句……         B.其诗以养父母、收族/为意 C.父/利其然也                          D.余闻之也/久 3.翻译下列句子(4分) (1)邑人奇之,稍稍宾客其父,或以钱币乞之。                                                                       (2)自是指物作诗立就,其文理皆有可观者。                                                                       4.回答问题 (1)方仲永的变化经历了哪几个阶段?(3分)                                                                                                                                 (2)方仲永由天资过人变得“泯然众人”,原因是什么?(用原文的句子)(2分)                                                                           
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