
I look at spiders and butterflies. I watch caterpillars and moths. Sometimes I think I’m the only one who _______ these things. But if it hadn't been for a _______ cafeteria, I wouldn’t have ever noticed Valeri .Valeri was a new student. She walked to class with her books huddled against her chest and her head down. She talked only when the teacher asked her a question. After a month at our school, she hadn’t made any friend . At recess , she sat on a bench and read . If you asked who she was, you’d get a _______ like this , “She’s in my PE class.”One day at lunch, I had _______ 2008年5月12日14时28分,在四川省汶川县爆发了里氏8.0级特大地震灾害,在对伤亡人员实施紧急救援的同时,抗震救灾的广大医务人员坚持对灾后废墟上的瓦砾、垃圾等进行全面的喷洒消毒液,则喷洒消毒措施属于以下哪一项( )A.消除病原体B.控制传染源C.切断传播途径D.保护易感人群
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