
In recent years, more and more children in the US are 【1】 (interest) in learning Chinese and learning about China.【2】 8-year-old girl 【3】 (call) Anna has studied Chinese for two years in the Confucius(孔子) Classroom in Washington Yuying Public Charter School. During class, Anna and other children enjoy 【4】 (introduce)and teaching visitors how to say “hello”, “thank you” and “good-bye” in Chinese.“When she grows up, she’ll be able to communicate with Chinese. I hope she learns Chinese as early as possible,” says Anna’s mother. “I have spent more on this 1. 解释下面各句中加点的词语。(1) 山门圮于河 ()(2) 阅十余岁()(3) 僧募金重修()(4) 棹数小舟()(5) 尔辈不能究物理()(6) 是非木柿()(7) 湮于沙上()(8) 如其言,果得于数里外()
英语 试题推荐