
阅读材料,完成下列要求。决战脱贫攻坚,决胜全面小康。2020年是脱贫攻坚战的最后一年,我们要坚决克服新冠肺炎疫情影响,坚决夺取脱贫攻坚战全面胜利。脱贫攻坚,加强领导是根本。必须坚持发挥各级党委总揽全局、协调各方的作用,落实脱贫攻坚一把手负责制,省市县乡村五级书记一起抓,为脱贫攻坚提供坚强政治保证。各方参与是合力,调动各方面积极性,引领市场、社会协同发力,形成全社会广泛参与脱贫攻坚格局。脱贫攻坚,群众动  Women's fashions change more quickly than men's. In the early 1900's, all women wore their skirts down to the ankle(脚脖). Today, some skirts are even longer than before, but some are very short. Women's shoes have also gone through all kinds of changes in the last century(世纪). For example, boots for women were very common at the beginning of the 20th century. Then for years, they were not thought fashionable. Today, they're back again in all colors, lengths and materials. In fact, today's women can wear all types of clothes on almost any occasion(场合). while all of these change have taken place in women's fashions, men's clothing remains(保持)almost the same as it was a few years ago. And in fact, most men are still dressed in the kinds of clothes they used to wear. (1)Today women wear ________ skirts. [  ] A.long B.short C.both long and shirt D.neither long nor short (2)Boots are thought ________ now. [  ] A.fashionable B.unfashionable C.uncommon D.fit for women most (3)When today's women attend the party, they wear ________. [  ] A.skirts down to the ankle. B.long red boots C.long skirts D.any types of clothes they like (4)Men's fashions ________. [  ] A.are changing fast these years. B.have also changed C.remain unchanged D.change as women's fashions do (5)The passage mainly tries to tell us________. [  ] A.boots for women have been thought fashionable since 1990. B.women's shoes are back again in all colors. C.today men are dressed in the kind of clothes they used to wear. D.women's fashions for clothes, shoes and so on always change.
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