
用方框中所给词的适当形式填空 actual cross speech treat follow (1) Mr Smith made two short at the meeting this morning. (2) , Jenny has already got the news from Kate. (3) It was too difficult patients because of the shortage of medicine. (4) Which of the pictures do you like most? (5) He walked three streets and went through a tunnel.(6分)下图是同一种动物体内有关细胞分裂的一组图像,请据图回答下列问题: (1)图②是__________分裂________期;下一个时期染色体的变化特点为:     __________________________________________。 (2)处于④图分裂时期的细胞的名称是 _______________________; (3)图⑤细胞中有_______个四分体; (4)该动物的体细胞中有          对同源染色体;
英语 试题推荐