
阅读理解What should you do when your parents are embarrassing you in frontof your friends? Or what if you see what looks like a classmate stealing someoneelse's headphones? In our social Q's column the teenager Harper Ediger and theadult Philip Glances give their best advice to kids looking for help. Now it'syour turn: Do you have a question about an uncomfortable social situation atschool, at home, on social media or among friends? Email it to us atKjdsqs@njpost.com and Harper and Philip may answer it in a future issue. Pleaseinclude your age and hometown. Come on, we know you have one.To根据文意,把下列四句诗填到选文恰当的ABCD位置处。(只填序号)(4分)一提到雨,也就必然的要想到雪:“A                ?”自然是江南日暮的雪景;“B              ”,则雪月梅的冬宵三友,会合在一道,在调戏酒姑娘了;“C                 ”,是江南雪夜,更深人静后的景况;“D                ”又到了第二天的早晨,和狗一样喜欢弄雪的村童来报告村景了。诗人的诗句,也许不尽是在江南所写,而做这几句诗的诗人,也许不尽是江南人,但借了这几句诗来描写江南的雪景,岂不直截了当,比我这一枝愚劣的笔所写的散文更美丽得多? (选自郁达夫《江南的冬景》) ①柴门村犬吠,风雪夜归人 ②前树深雪里,昨夜一枝开 ③寒沙梅影路,微雪酒香村 ④晚来天欲雪,能饮一杯无。
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