
下列对健康小白鼠进行的实验处理,对其机体产生的反应分析不正确的是A. 损伤下丘脑,寒冷环境中小白鼠体温下降,体内甲状腺激素水平降低B. 注射灭活的乙肝病毒,引起T细胞分化产生浆细胞和记忆细胞C. 切除其胸腺,体液免疫会减弱,细胞免疫将丧失D. 破坏其下肢反射弧的传出神经,剌激感受器,小白鼠有感觉阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。      Joe had an unhealthy(不健康的) diet(食谱) last week. Now he is at the doctor's office.Doctor: Joe, you look very ill. What did you eat and drink last week?Joe: Last week I ate a lot of sweets and chocolate.  I drank a little water.Doctor: Joe, you ate too much chocolate. Sweets and chocolate are bad for us. You should not eat too many sweets and too much chocolate. You drank too little water. Water is good for us, so you should drink more water.Joe: I know,doctor. Thank you.(     ) 1. Joe had a healthy diet last week.(     ) 2. He is now ill at home.(     ) 3. He ate too many sweets and too much chocolate.(     ) 4. He also drank too much water.(     ) 5. Water is good for us,but sweets and chocolate are bad for us.
生物 试题推荐