
The School PlayThe end of the school year was coming quickly. Rick was so excited because it was time for the school play tryouts(选拔). This year's play was called Mystery at the Lighthouse. Rick was hoping to get the lead part(主角) of Joe who lives at the lighthouse.After school, students who wanted to try out for the _________ met in the gym at 3:30. Rick and his friend Kevin, sat and waited for their turn to read for the play. The next day the parts were _________ on the wall outside of the gym. Kevin got a part in the play. But Rick did not see his _________.He felt funny inside. Ric铜是人类最早利用的金属之一.(1)下列铜制品中,利用金属导热性的是 (填图1字母序号).(2)“湿法炼铜”的原理是硫酸铜溶液与铁反应,该反应的化学方程式 .(3)利用废旧电池铜帽(含Cu、Zn)制取海绵铜(Cu),并得到硫酸锌溶液,主要流程如图2(反应条件已略去):已知:2Cu+2H2SO4+O2   △  . 2CuSO4+2H2O①过程Ⅱ中分离操作的名称是 .②过程Ⅲ中有气体产生,反应的化学方程式 .③在此过程中,加入物质B过量的原因是 .④A~E中含铜、锌两种元素的物质有  (填字母序号).
英语 试题推荐