
以下诗文或谚语与所蕴含的科学知识不对应的是( )A. “长嘴要吃,长根要肥”,说明生物都需要营养B. “千里之堤,溃于蚁穴”,形象地说明生物影响环境C. “海枯石烂”体现的是生物的生长发育现象D. “草盛豆苗稀”体现了生物间的竞争关系 答案:【答案】C【解析】生物与生物之间的关系常见有:捕食关系、竞争关系、合作关系、寄生关系等。生物必须适应环境才能生存,生物也能影响环境。“长嘴要吃,长根要肥”,说明生物都需要营养,A正确;“千里之堤,溃于蚁穴”,形象地说明生物影响环境,B正确;“海枯石烂”中的海和石都不是生---More than 1,000 American soldiers died in Iraq since the war broke out.  ---____. A.     It could have made lots of Americans sad B.      It should have made lots of Americans sad. C.      If Bush hadn't sent soldiers to Iraq, a lot of lives would have been saved D.     If the momey spent on the war had been spent helping poor countries, the living standard of poor countries will be much better.
生物 试题推荐