
Many Americans like to have their vacation in countries. One day an American comes to China. This is her first time (次数) to China and she wants tosome friends there. She meets a Chinese. This Chinese wants to talkwith the American. When he sees her, he comes up, says “ ” to her, then he begins his first talk with someonean English-speaking country.“How old are you?” the Chinese .“I’m . Please don’t ask a lady (女士) about her.” answers the woman.The Chinese is surprised. He doesn’t know. Can you help him?【1】A. an otherB. the other C. otherD. others【2】A. man嘉靖二年(1523年),日本大内氏贡使与细川氏贡使为了争夺与明朝的朝贡贸易的特权,在宁波港发生械斗。明朝政府以此为借口,关闭市舶司。正常的官方贸易断绝,民间走私贸易便取而代之。你从中能得到的正确信息有 [     ]A.朝贡制度的终结B.明政府推行闭关政策C.倭患起于罢市舶D.民间贸易自此成为主流
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