
听录音,补全句子,填单词或短语。Sam: Which 1. _______ do you like best?Linda: 2. _______. Sam: Why?Linda: Because I can 3. _______. What about you?Sam: I like 4. _______. My birthday is in 5. _______. Linda: My birthday is in July. Please come to my birthday party then.Sam: OK, I will. 答案:【答案】season Summer go swimming winter December 【解析】Sam: Which season do you like best?Linda: Summer.Sam: Why?Linda: Because I can go swimming. What about you?Sam: I like winter. My birthday is in December.Linda: My birthday is in July. Please come to my birthday party then.Sam: OK, I will.解不等式:1+x2≤2-x6+1,并把解表示在数轴上.
英语 试题推荐