
2017年10月18日中共十九大在北京开幕。习.平总书记在报告中指出:经过长期努力,中国特色社会主义进入了新时代,这是我国发展新的历史方位。这标志着我国社会主要矛盾已经转化为人民日益增长的美好生活需要和不平衡不充分的发展之间的矛盾。针对当前我国存在的社会主要矛盾,用经济生活知识就解决发展不平衡问题提出几条措施。        Dealing with a jealous friend isn’t easy. It can be very frustrating. Find out how to make the best of the situation, be fair to yourself and your friend, and, if possible, preserve the friendship. It can be done! Try to find out why your friend is jealous. Is it something you said? Is it something you have little or no control over, such as your looks or your family? Is it something your friend should be supportive of, such as your grades or a special talent of yours?  Once you know where the jealousy comes from, try to be empathetic: Imagine you're your friend or how you'd feel in the same situation. Find out what your friend really wants to have. Do they wish they felt smarter or had more supportive parents? Maybe you can be helpful. Let them know that you believe in them and ask what you can do help them get what they want. Try not to brag, show off or make things that would make your friend feel frustrated. This will only fan the flames of the jealousy. Show that you're happy about your life, but be sure to show interest and excitement about things going on in your friend's life, too. Take some time to point out some of their unique strengths and good qualities. Sometimes jealousy is mixed with a lot of anger. If your efforts to listen to your friend and encourage them aren't working, give them some time to cool off. They may need to work out their feelings alone or with someone who's not the object of their jealousy. Call up some extra support for yourself, too. Another friend, a relative or a girlfriend/boyfriend may be able to help you sort out your feelings about being the object of your friend's jealousy. A lot of people feel bad about making someone else jealous, so be sure to remind yourself why you're a good person! 1.What’s the passage mainly about?        A.What you should do when your friend needs help.        A.How to make a close friend.        C.The best way to deal with a jealous friend.        D.how to deal with a jealous friend. 2.According to the author, dealing with a jealous friend        .        A.is an easy thing for everyone  B.is sure to damage the friendship        C.doesn’t need anyone’s help     D.may cause you to feel bad. 3.The first step for you to deal with a jealous friend is to        .        A.understand your friend’s feelings        B.show that you’re happy about your life        C.find out what your friend really wants to have        D.find out where the jealousy comes form 4.The underlined sentence in paragraph 5 probably means that      .        A.jealousy makes your friend unable to tell right from wrong        B.this will just make your friend more jealous        C.it is easy to put out the flames of your friend’s jealousy        D.you should help deal with your friend’s frustration
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