
书是人类进步的阶梯,有许多人爱书如宝,手不释卷,一本好书可以影响一个人的一生。请以My favorite book为题写一篇文章,谈谈你对一本书的认识。要求:1. 书写工整,无勾抹。2. 结构清晰;层次分明。3. 字数80—100词。4. 文中不得出现真实人名校名。 答案:【答案】My favorite bookI like reading, I have read many books. One of my favorite books is My Life Story. It was written by an American writer_ Hellen Keller. She was a blind, deaf person. In the book, she wrote that she couldn’t see, speak or hear when she was one year and seven months. This made her so sad. When she was seven years old, her teacher Miss Sullivan came. She taught her how t已知f(x)=2x,x≤1x,x>1,则f(2)=(  ) A、2B、4C、1D、0
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