
根据句意和汉语提示写出单词, 完成句子。【1】I give up playing the piano because I have no time for it, but it is ___(违反) my own wish.【2】_____________(强迫) yourself to do more if you want to be successful.【3】Daniel wrote a list of ____________(音乐家) names on the paper.【4】Tom was so creative that he always has a lot of amazing _____________(想法).【5】Besides the Statue of Liberty, the USA is also famous for _____________(中央的) Park.电影艺术从诞生到今天,技术上有了不断变革,使之具有更强的艺术表现力,它经历的技术上的变化是①黑白到彩色②单一银幕到多种银幕③无声到有声  [     ]A.①②B.②③C.①③D.①②③
英语 试题推荐