
任务型阅读My grandfather never watched TV. He thought that (A)人们花费太多时间看电视. (B) Some of his friends often talked about sports shows, the movies and plays. My grandfather said to himself, They never read any books or go out in the evening. So he didn't buy a TV.Five years ago my grandfather was 60 years old. He stopped working in the hospital. My father bought him a TV. He began to watch all the news. He knows much more about the world now. And he reads more books, too.Now, my grandfather will get very angry if you trouble(麻烦)him when he is watching TV. I can'通过学习,同学们知道了液体压强的特点. 在此基础上,老师提出了这样的问题:有两只杯子,分别盛有清水和盐水,但没有标签,你能否用压强计将它们区别开?(1)当压强计的金属盒在空气中时,U形管两边的液面应当相平,而小明同学却观察到如图(a)所示的情景. 出现这种情况的原因是:U形管左支管液面上方的气压______大气压(填“大于”、“小于”或“等于”);调节的方法是:(______)A.将此时右边支管中高出的液体倒出    B.取下软管重新安装(2)小明再作图(b)所示的检查. 当用手指按压(不论轻压还是重压)橡皮膜时,发现U形管两边液柱的高度几乎不变化. 出现这种情况的原因是:______.(3)压强计调节正常后,小明将金属盒先后浸入到两杯液体中,如图(c)和(d)所示. 他发现图(d)中U形管两边的液柱高度差较大,于是认为图(d)杯子中盛的是盐水.①你认为,小明的结论是______(填“可靠的”或“不可靠的”);②简要说明理由:______.
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