
从下列方框中选出恰当答语并将答案标号写在括号内。 A. Six.B. I can see a bird.C. Great.D. Fine, thank you.E. I washed my clothes.F. By plane.G. At six o’clock.H. Yes, I can.I. That’s OK.J. No, I don’t. 【1】What can you see? (_______)【2】Let’s go to the park. (_______)【3】How many bananas do you want? (_______)【4】I’m so sorry. (_______)【5】How did you go there? (_______)【6】How are you? (_______)【7】What did you do? (_______)【8】Can you run fast? (_______)【9】When do you get up? (_______)【10】Do 10、无锡市某日的空气质量日报如下表: 项目 空气污染指数 空气质量级别 空气质量 可吸入颗粒物 65 Ⅱ 良 二氧化硫 6 二氧化氮 20下列情况对表中三个空气质量指标不会产生影响的是(  )A、天然水蒸发成水蒸气B、露天焚烧垃圾C、汽车排放尾气D、用煤作燃料
英语 试题推荐