
Flamingos, a kind of birds, are famous for their bright pink feathers, thin legs, and S-shaped necks. They can ___________to be 50 inches tall and nearly 9 pounds in weight. Their wings can be ___________ to 60 inches long. Their favorite foods are shrimp, snails and some water plants.As social animals, flamingos enjoy___________friendships. It is reported that friendships between flamingos usually last for years.From a five-year study, we know that flamingos often spend time with their close friends, but they___________some other flamingos that they don’t like.Researchers at the University (6分)读图回答:(1)从图中可以看出我国西南地区是地震和泥石流多发地区,在川、滇、黔交界处,形成了以地震、滑坡、泥石流为主的灾害系统。导致该地区三种地质灾害多发的自然原因除了该地现代地壳活动强烈,地震频发,震级高;山体中断裂发育,造成岩石破碎,风化严重;还在于 集中,促使滑坡、泥石流灾害突发。(2)人类对植被的破坏是___________(地质灾害)日趋频繁的重要原因,人类大规模的工程活动是造成_____ ___(地质灾害)的重要原因。(3)中央气象台和国土资源部经常联合发布地质灾害气象预报,这属于自然灾害防御的_________ __防御。(4)在野外遇到泥石流,要向 的方向跑。在山区扎营,为防泥石流,不能选在 。
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