
Nowadays Dianzan is one of the most popular words on the Internet When you think someone's articles are _____, or when you are moved by what someone writes, you can click(点击) the praise sign. Anyhow, clicking the praise sign _____ that you agree with someone or praise someone. Dianzan is a kind of Chinese Internet language. People _____ use it when they surf the Internet. There is a function of Dianzan in the QQ space. The QQ space has had the function _____ 2010. It didn't become very popular until Sina blog(新浪博客) _____ the function of dianzan. In recent years, it has become mor 某公司销售一种新型节能产品,现准备从国内和国外两种销售方案中选择一种进行销售.若只在国内销售,销售价格y(元/件)与月销量x(件)的函数关系式为y=-x+150,成本为20元/件,无论销售多少,每月还需支出广告费62500元,设月利润为w内(元)(利润=销售额-成本-广告费). 若只在国外销售,销售价格为150元/件,受各种不确定因素影响,成本为a元/件(a为常数,10≤a≤40),当月销量为x(件)时,每月还需缴纳x2元的附加费,设月利润为w外(元)(利润=销售额-成本-附加费). (1)当x=1000时,y=________元/件,w内=________元; (2)求出w外与x间的函数关系式(用含a的式子表示,不必写x的取值范围); (3)当x为何值时,在国内销售的月利润最大? (4)如果某月要将5000件产品全部销售完,请你通过分析a的取值,帮公司决策选择在国内还是在国外销售才能使所获月利润较大?
英语 试题推荐