
I've never thought that a money raiser could have had such a huge influence on my life. Back in 5th grade, our school announced a money raiser and each class would get a box to fill it up with small _______. To make my class to come to the first place in the money raiser, I took two fifty-dollar bills _______ to school and put them into the box. Two weeks later, my parents asked me about the money. They said they had discovered the truth and weren’t _______, but I must do something to make up for it. My dad had the perfect idea in mind. The day _______ Christmas, he took me to St. John's Hos15.比较下面句子中加点词语的意义,判断正确的一项是(  )①凡在故老,犹蒙矜育      ②轩凡四遭火      ③草创未就       ④是以就极刑而无愠色。A.①②相同,③④不同B.①②相同,③④也相同C.①②不同,③④相同D.①②不同,③④也不同
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