
排序,使其成为完整的对话。(______)Wow! There are so many pictures here.(______)There are so many plants, too. (______)My grandparents have a garden in front of their house.(______)This is the living room.(______)Yes. My father can draw very well.(______)They’re my grandmother’s plants.(______)There are lots of flowers in it. 答案:【答案】2 4 6 1 3 5 7 【解析】略下列对联,用于某校百年校庆,最恰当的一项是A.满腔热血育桃李,一片丹心扶栋梁。B.画栋拂云联旧垒,玉兰绕砌缀新枝。C.根深叶茂结硕果,笔健墨浓绘蓝图。 D.福星高照满庭乐,寿诞生辉合家欢。
英语 试题推荐