
Jim and Steve were twins. They played on the same football team, and shared all the same toys, the same bedroom and the same friends. They shared ________.One Sunday, Jim and Steve went ________ to ride their blue bike, but they wanted to go to different places. Their mother heard the two boys arguing and came outside. She told ________ to take turns to ride the bike. However, they didn't want to share it.A few days later, their mother brought a pet ________ home for the boys. Can't we each have our own cat? asked the boys angrily. They were ________ of sharing everything.I'm sorry, but you mu下列操作中,能鉴别空气、氧气和氢气三瓶气体的是 A.插入燃着的木条             B.观察气体颜色 C.倒入澄清石灰水             D.闻气体的气味
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