
Last week our family went to the Forest Camp. It was really great. It was a __ with no TV, computer or car, but it has so much fun.From the time we __ at the camp, we found lots of interesting things. In the morning, we played with other __. They were from different places. In the afternoon, my mother and my sister __ strawberries in the forest. My father and I __ in a beautiful lake. In the evening, it was the __ family time. We __ our evening sitting by the lake and talking happily. When we felt __, we went to our tent and slept.It is our first time to go to the camp, but it won’t be the _阅读下面这首宋诗,完成下列小题。书愤二首(其一)陆游白发萧萧卧泽中,只凭天地鉴孤忠。厄穷苏武餐毡久,忧愤张巡嚼齿空①。细雨春芜上林苑②,颓垣夜月洛阳宫。壮心未与年俱老,死去犹能作鬼雄。(注释)①西汉时,苏武被困于匈奴,餐毡吞雪而忠心不改。安史之乱中,张巡死守睢阳数月,被俘后仍骂敌不止,最后不屈而死。②上林苑,汉时旧苑,它和“洛阳宫”在这里都是用来代指皇宫。【1】下列对这首诗的理解和赏析,不正确的一项是A.“卧”字刻画诗人闲置家中的情形,为下半句的抒情做铺垫,并起到衬托作用。B.颔联运用苏武和张巡的典故,意在说明自己同他们一样坚贞不渝,又流露出为苏武和张巡鸣不平的愤懑之情。C.颈联运用想象虚写春雨中长满杂草的上林苑和夜月下残垣断壁的洛阳宫,实际上是借长安、洛阳两座古都的荒凉来喻指沦陷的都城汴京。D.尾联与辛弃疾的“凭谁问,廉颇老矣,尚能饭否”有异曲同工之妙,表达自己虽然年事已高,但壮心未老。【2】这首诗表达出诗人怎样的情感,请结合诗句具体分析。
英语 试题推荐