
周末你想为全家准备一顿晚饭。请根据表格中的内容写一篇短文,介绍一下你和家人晚饭想吃的食物。要求:句式正确,语句通顺;60词左右。You Father Mother Your catmutton and carrot noodlesrice, beef and potato, coffeedumplings, vegetable salad, ice creamfish, soup 答案:【答案】It’s Sunday today. I’m going to cook a wonderful dinner for my family. What will I cook? Well, my mother would like some dumplings, vegetable salad and ice cream. My father would like rice, beef and potato. He wants to drink coffee, too. I would like a small bowl of mutton and carrot noodles. What about my cat? Well, he likes fish and soup. So I’ll cook some for him.【解析】与“使何易于不有得于生”句式相同的一项是 [  ] A.架梁之椽,多于机上之工女 B.使六国各爱其人,则足以拒秦 C.覆压三百余里,隔离天日 D.鼎铛玉石,金块珠砾
英语 试题推荐