
美国人常爱在生活中使用一些特定表达来使语言更加流畅生动,将图片所示漫画情景(A-D)与前四小题相应的表达匹配,并完成最后一小题。【1】_________ “hit the sack”=go to bed【2】_________ “live on the edge”=be in danger【3】_________ “My head is spinning.”=I have too many things to think about.【4】_________ “like two peas in a pod”= very similar【5】— Your American friend sends you a message. — “I’m really tired. . Good night!”A.I like living on the edge B.We like two peas in a podC.I’m going to hit the一个圆柱形水池,底面积是12.56平方米,深3米,将这满池水全部抽进另一个长8米,宽3米,深2米的长方体水池里,水面离池口边多少厘米?
英语 试题推荐