
听下面一段对话,回答以下小题。【1】What are the speakers mainly talking about?A.Their favorite doctors. B.The costs of keeping pets. C.How to buy cheaper medicines.【2】What is the man's dog's name?A.Fargo. B.Brett. C.Ferguson.【3】What did the woman think of the prices of the medicines?A.They are too high. B.They are really fair. C.They are very low.【4】What is the man's final suggestion?A.Shopping in pet stores. B.Going to his doctor's. C.Buying medicines online.张依在玩数字游戏时,遇到这样一个有趣的三位数,个位与百位上的数字的和是4积也是4,个位、十位、百位上三个数字相乘的积还是4,这个三位数是   .
英语 试题推荐