
阅读下面短文, 根据要求完成下面各小题。Pigs are misunderstood (误解). Some people think of them as lazy and stupid. Did you know that pigs are very smart? Pigs are smarter than most pets and wild animals. 3 Experts say that pigs are easier to train than dogs and cats. Would you want a pig for a pet?Keeping a pet pig is fun, but it is work. Pigs like to go for walks like a dog. Would you like to walk a pig down your street? They can be trained to do tricks, and they like to be petted. They usually get along with other pets. Pet pigs must be kept on a diet (节食). They like 阅读下面这首宋词,然后回答问题。(10分)水调歌头·平山堂①甩东坡韵  [南宋]方岳秋雨一何碧,山色倚晴空。江南江北愁思,分付酒螺红,芦叶篷舟千重,菰菜莼羹②一梦,无语寄归鸿。醉眼渺河洛③,遗恨夕阳中。   苹洲外,山欲瞑,敛眉峰。人间俯仰陈迹,叹息两仙翁。不见当时杨柳,只是从前烟雨,磨灭几英雄。天地一孤啸,匹马又西风。【注】①平山堂:在今扬州西北蜀岗上,为欧阳修所建;②菰菜莼羹:相传张翰在外作官时,见秋风起,想起了家乡的菰菜、莼羹和鲈鱼脍.就辞官归乡。③河洛:泛指为金兵所占领的广大中原地区。(1)请简析“秋雨一何碧”两句写景的作用。(3分)(2)“苹洲外”三句运用了哪种修辞手法?描绘了怎样的景象?有何作用?(3分)(3)在这首词中,词人写了哪几种“愁”?请简要概括。(4分)
英语 试题推荐