
根据图片提示,选择正确的句子,补全短文。 A.It’s near the fridge. B.The phone is on the table.C.This is my bedroom. D.It’s in the bathroom.E.My schoolbag is on the sofa.I’m Lily. This is my home. I have a living room, a kitchen, a bathroom, a study and two bedroom. Look! 【1】. It’s small. 【2】My books are on the floor. 【3】 Where is my puppy? 【4】 Look! My little cat is here. 【5】因利用黄河水灌溉,被誉为“塞上江南”的平原是( )A. 长江中下游平原 B. 成都平原 C. 珠江三角洲 D. 宁夏平原
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