
Livestreaming(直播) is turning out to be quite a big trend. From playing video games to dancing to K-pop, streamers are making big money simply by sharing their daily lives with the world. Some streamers even become world-famous, especially e-sports players like Shroud and Ninja.I don’t really watch a lot of livestreams. When it comes to gaming, I’d rather play video games myself than watch someone else play them. But I understand that some gamers might watch them to pick up playing tips.Sometimes livestreaming is a bit vain. A lot of streamers are just doing it for the attention. That b某同学用伏安法测一节干电池的电动势和内阻,现备有下列器材:A.被测干电池一节B.电流表1:量程0~0.6 A,内阻r=0.3ΩC.电流表2:量程0~0.6 A,内阻约为0.1ΩD.电压表1:量程0~3 V,内阻未知E.电压表2:量程0~15 V,内阻未知F.滑动变阻器1:0~10Ω,2AG.滑动变阻器2:0~100Ω,1AH.开关、导线若干伏安法测电池电动势和内阻的实验中,由于电流表和电压表内阻的影响,测量结果存在系统误差,在现有器材的条件下,要尽可能准确地测量电池的电动势和内阻。(1)在上述器材中请选择适当的器材(填写器材前的字母):电流表选择__________,电压表选择 ,滑动变阻器选择 。(2)实验电路图应选择下图中的__________(填“甲”或“乙”);(3)根据实验中电流表和电压表的示数得到了如图丙所示的U-I图象,则在修正了实验系统误差后,干电池的电动势E=__________V,内电阻r=__________Ω。
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