
After people have been used to their new work situation. But what if your job was to control a multi-billion-dollar space rover (探测车) located on a planet nearly 200 million km away from Earth?A team of NASA scientists is doing just that. In order to follow social distancing rules, these scientists have had to work from home. But they’ve still found ways to work together and take care of the complex (复杂的) tasks that are needed to keep the Curiosity rover working on Mars.Their work-from-home setups (装配) as seen in photos provided to CNBC and ScienceAlert, look much like home of《元史·百官志》载:“行中书省,凡十,秩从一品。掌国庶务,统郡县,镇边鄙,与都省为表里。”根据所学知识判断,材料中的“都省”是指A.门下省 B.尚书省C.中书省 D.枢密院
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