
There is a tradition at my school that when Changsha High School Entrance Examination is less than a month away, students in the lower grades, from Grade 7 to Grade 8, all gather together on the ground in front of the teaching building and cheer on the Grade 9 students who are standing upstairs.1. It wasn’t until I took part in the activity in person that I understood the true meaning of it.2. 那时我上7年级。On that special night, all the Grade 9 students stood in the hallways and looked down at the younger students below. Various cheers started to resound throughout the school, wave 下列句子中加点成语运用不恰当的一项是(    )(2分)A.有这种诗人灵魂的传统民族,应该有气吞斗牛的表现才行。B.“勤学好问”是提高学习成绩的不二法门。C.上帝在创造世界时,把一切生物分散安置并教会他们传宗接代,繁衍自己的子孙。D.你客观地分析前因后果,做将来的借鉴,重蹈覆辙,将来一定会取得更大的成就。
英语 试题推荐