
What inspires you to work hard? Having your own goals is important. Good sleep also helps. But as it turns out, having a plant on your desk can improve your work as well.Mike Robinson, an engineer from Canada, owns his own small company. One day, his wife suggested picking out some plants and putting them on his workers’ desks.Robinson doubted the idea at first. What good would plants do? He thought they might even be distracting(让人分心的). But he decided to try out the idea. First, Robinson bought 20 plants for his workers. He asked each worker to make a small sign that said ―My 文学文化常识正确的一项是( )A. 《史记》是我国第一部编年体通史,被鲁迅誉为“史家之绝唱,无韵之离骚”。B. 《伤仲永》的作者是我国北宋文学家、政治家。“唐宋八大家”之一的苏轼。C. 《左传》相传是战国时期鲁国史官左丘明所写,课文《曹刿论战》就选自其中。D. 吴敬梓的《范进中举》与鲁迅先生的《孔乙己》同是抨击罪恶的封建科举制度的佳作,揭露封建科举制度对人心灵的荼毒。
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