
纽约曼哈顿拥有两个中心商务区,一个是华尔街地区,白天人来人往,晚上人去楼空,成为“空心城”,另一个是以洛克菲勒为中心的商业区,白天游人如织,夜晚歌舞升平,成为“不夜城”。【1】与“空心城”比较,“不夜城”没有体现中心商务区的哪一项特征( )A.经济活动最为繁忙 B.建筑物高大稠密C.人口数量昼夜差别大 D.内部分区明显【2】华尔街的“空心城”说明( )A.逆城市化现象 B.城市化水平高C.城市化速度快 D.城市经济活动畸形发展【 短文改错 It was almost five years since I began to learn 1.________ English.I’m glad to say what I’m getting along well with 2.________ It.But at the first I met a lot of difficulties.I couldn’t 3.________ pronounce English words exact nor could I remember 4.________ the words I have learned.In class, I couldn’t understand 5.________ what the teacher had said.But he always told me, “Keep 6.________ on you will do it well.” His words greatly encouraged 7.________ me.I started to work hard at English.Under the help 8.________ of him and my classmates, I made some progresses.I am 9.________ very pleased, but I will work even hard. 10.________
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