
灯笼,又称彩灯,是一种古老的中国传统工艺品.每年的农历正月十五元宵节前后,人们都挂起红灯笼,来营造一种喜庆的氛围.如图是某节日挂出的一只灯笼,轻绳a、b将灯笼悬挂于O点绳a与水平方向的夹角为,绳b水平.灯笼保持静止,所受重力为G,绳a、b对O点拉力分別为F1、F2,下列说法正确的是( )A. B. C. F1和F2的合力与灯笼对地球的引力是一对平衡力D. 灯笼只有重心位置处受重力作用,其他位置不受重力句型转换【小题1】The old man is so angry. He can’t say a word.(连成一句)The old man is ______ ______ ______say a word.【小题2】I bought the bike ten years ago. (同义句)I ______ ______the bike ______ ten years ago.【小题3】The key is used for locking the front door.(就划线部分提问)______ the key _______ for?【小题4】You should hang the curtains across the stage.(改为被动语态)The curtains _______ ______ ______across the stage.【小题5】Our school has changed greatly in the past several years.(同义句)There ______ ______ great changes in the past several years.
物理 试题推荐