
What to endure before publication?It takes a lot to write a novel. Even those who haven’t tried would say, “Well, duh!” to this. But it’s not much the mind space or the considerable time it takes to write a novel that is as discouraging as how many times any writer must go back to the drawing board for yet another draft. To really ready a novel for publication, a writer must spend time with his or her book. Like any promising relationship, you, the writer , must date your novel, take it out to dinner, meet its parents, and see it through its most trying and desperate times. As a writer22、1712年,彼得一世“建立了新都圣彼得堡--新俄罗斯的象征”。“新俄罗斯”巩固了(   )    A.金融贵族和工业家的国家           B.手工场主和贵族的国家    C.资产阶级和新贵族的国家           D.贵族地主和商人的国家 评卷人 得分 二、简答题 (每空? 分,共? 分)
英语 试题推荐