
Little SecretaryWhen I do my math homework,David likes to watch me.Sometimes when I don't know what to do,He will count out loud.Though my brother only knows 1, 2, 3,He still tries to help me.When I do my English homework,David likes to watch me.Sometimes when I don't know what to write,He will spell out loud.Though my brother only knows A, B, C,He still tries to help me.Now I see it is his love,That makes him do all these for me.【1】What can we learn about the little secretary?A. He is a junior high school student.B. He does not like to be with his brother.C. He knows more about English th实验室用下图装置制取少量溴苯,试填写下列空白。 (1)在烧瓶a中装的试剂是铁粉、 和 。(2)请你推测长直导管b的作用: ____ 。(3)请你分析导管c的下口可否浸没于液面中?为什么? 。(4)反应完毕后,向锥形瓶d中滴加AgNO3溶液有 生成,此现象说明这种获得溴苯的反应属于: 。(填有机反应类型)
英语 试题推荐