
阅读对话,判断正(√)误(×)。Grandma: What are you doing, John?John: I’m making a birthday chart (图表) for our family. When is your birthday, Grandma.Grandma: It’s in May.John: That’s fun. My mother’s birthday is in May, too. Are they on the same day? Grandma: No. Your mother’s birthday is on the fifth and my birthday is on the fifteen.John: When’s Grandpa’s birthday?Grandma: It’s in June.John: There are three birthdays in June. They are Grandpa’s, Uncle Bill’s and mine. When is Aunt Mary’s birthday?Grandma: Her birthday is in November. Your cousin Alice’s 18.△ABC中,∠ABC、∠ACB的平分线相交于点O,过点O作EF∥BC分别交AB、AC于E、F.(1)求证:OE=BE;(2)若△ABC的周长比△AEF的周长大10,试求出BC的长度.
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