
阅读短文,把A-E五个句子填入文中空缺处,使短文内容完整。 Some children in Africa (非洲) don't have school things. Some people from other countries give them some. Look! How happy they are! Bill is really happy. He can put his pencils in it now.Jane gets a notebook. She always wants a notebook, but her parents are too poor (贫困的) to buy one for her. What's that in Mike5s hands? Oh. It's a storybook. Mike likes reading books very much. Little Tommy gets some pencils. He usually writes with a stone (石子) , but his spelling is really great. Now he can write w如下图所示,三个小球从同一高处的O点分别以水平初速度v1、v2、v3抛出,落在水平面上的位置分别是A、B、C,O′是O在水平面上的射影点,且O′A∶AB∶BC=1∶3∶5.若不计空气阻力,则下列说法正确的是(  ) A.v1∶v2∶v3=1∶3∶5 B.三个小球下落的时间相同 C.三个小球落地的速度相同 D.三个小球落地的动能相同
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