
B)根据句意及所给提示完成单词。【1】The c________of the USA is Washington D.C.【2】It’s strange that the football match starts at n ________.【3】There is no need to be m ________about it.【4】I am going to d________by you if I have time.【5】If you v ________your health, you should take more exercise. 答案:【答案】【1】capital【2】noon【3】mad【4】drop【5】value【解析】【1】句意:美国的首都是华盛顿。冠词后可接名词,the capital of意为“……的首都”。故填capital。【2】句意:很奇怪,足球比赛在中午开始。at noon是固定短语,意为“在中午”,由题意以及首字母提示at noon在句中做时间状语。故填noon。【3This is the first time I _______ such beautiful music . A. heard                B. am hearing           C. will hear            D. have heard
英语 试题推荐